Don’t Buy It – EVO Hair Event

We’re back! It seemed that was the common proclamation throughout our incredible event held October 9th. We hosted this event to bring local hair artists together to perform on stage and show off their skills and passion for the first time since 2019. We hosted 9 artists in our studio area who displayed a variety of hairstyles, cuts, and colors and even some wigs. We had the pleasure of serving drinks prepared by Perennial Cocktail Bar and music by local entertainer DJ Dad.

This was our first event we have been able to host since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was an overwhelming feeling having everyone together, safely and for one cause: to celebrate the art of what hairstylists do everyday. We are so excited to start revving up events once again, we truly believe they help build and grow our culture and the hair community in Pensacola. 

This event was sponsored by one of our favorite haircare lines: Evo Hair. At the core of Evo Hair there is a commitment to authenticity and honesty. Their products feature stripped down packaging that keeps things simple and the ingredients they utilize allow the products to do what they say they’re going to do. We framed this event around the idea that beauty is everywhere and it doesn’t require photoshop or any sort of facade. We appreciate live art in all its unexpected, authentic glory. 

We hope to see you at our next event, and are looking forward to the growth of our community coming out of the last crazy couple of years.